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Apr 19, 2024

Getting Around


As American as Mom and Apple Pie!

Just SAY pie and your mouth starts to water. While there are many forms of pie, most pie is made up of two parts, the pie crust and the filling.

Some pies are baked with the filling (think apple pie, blueberry pie) while others are cooked filling poured into a pre-baked crust (think key lime or chocolate cream). And some are a combination. And some are open top, closed top and even partial or lattice top. And there are variations on pie such as tarts and galettes.

With pie, your best bet is to decide which kind YOU like and perfect that one or two. Then you can expand out from there. If you never get a real success, because you never learn the basics on one pie recipe, you'll never have the confidence to try a different pie recipe. The following pies will get you started, but if these aren't your favorites, pick a different type and get practicing. Even the failures will taste like...well....pie.