
Item or Recipe name

Apr 19, 2024

Getting Around

Egg Noodles

Egg Noodles at home are cheap and delicious and really aren't hard to make. Somehow we've gotten it into our heads that Mrs. Weiss is the only one who knows noodles. While I like her stuff, I prefer my own.

Egg Noodles can be made in a food processor, or without using the classic "Well Method"

  • 1 Egg
  • 1 C flour
  • 2 Tbls liquid (the richer the better...cream is better than 1/2 and 1/2 is better than milk is better than water)
  • 1/4 tsp salt

Food Processor Noodles

This recipe can be doubled or tripled, but that's about as far as you want to go. Put the ingredients except for the liquid in the bowl of your food processor with the kneading paddle. Spin them until they are unified...small lumps. Add the liquid and run for 30 seconds or so, until it pulls together into a ball and there's no extra liquid around.

Well Method Noodles

Put the salt flour with some extra flour mounded in a pile on the counter. Make a little crater (that's the well) in the top of the mound, sort of like Lake Tahoe. Break the egg into the well and add the liquid. With a fork, break the yolk(s) and stir to combine the egg mixture, slowly incorporating the flour at the edge, but trying not to break through the wall. Eventually the egg will be dough, not liquid, and you can pull more flour in and knead it for about 5 minutes or so until it is a smooth and springy ball.

Finishing the noodles, either method

Let the ball sit for 1/2 hour. Divide up into reasonable chunks and roll out on a counter top that has been sprinkled with flour. Or use your pasta attachment on your stand mixer. Or your hand crank pasta machine. Or however you plan to get it flat (I used a wine bottle once). Cut into noodles. I use a pizza wheel, but a knife works fine.

Drop into boiling salted water until done. It will only be a couple of minutes, NOT like dry pasta or spaghetti. Or if this is for noodle soup, just drop the noodles into the simmering soup ten minutes before you serve it.